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About TheBadBoy99

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  1. Thanks! I love this site!!!! Please check out this, it will help your hack reach Millions!!! : http://cheatautomation.com/forums/topic/7779-request-for-new-features
  2. I'll make it short for your good: Pros: + Aimbot is perfect + I tried playing with 700 ping O_O still ACE + ESP is very accurate + 2D and 3D boxes both are good + Aimbot options like aim to FOV, distance really help. + Smoothing helps me hide aiming. + Visibility check!! Wow thanks a lot for this ,I look so legit. + Fairfight protection 10/10 : Never got banned (played a lot aggressive) + Lag compensation (I think it works, not sure) + Traceline! U got me!! + Name ESP helps me to find Blackbeard (u can't use head aimbot on him) + Overall a must try!! Cons: + There should be Operator ESP, so I can be aware of shield operators and Blackbeard especially. ----------------------------------------- Overall if ur looking for a perfect R6 hack here you go, cheat automation is for you. Just to add to this honest review , I have also used other companies hacks like perfect**** hack (I won't tell full name) and here are my final result. Perfect**** hack : 0.5/10 cheat automation hack: 10/10 Really, why didn't I know about this site earlier? Thanks @Robert !! And whole Cheat automation team!! P.S : I'm looking for hackers to play, please check it out: http://cheatautomation.com/forums/topic/7669-looking-for-r6-hacker-squad-road-to-diamond/
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