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  1. Like
    Robert got a reaction from 0WMV0 in Rules of Survival Cheat Guide   
    If you haven't already, download the cheat launcher here:
    You can follow this guide for how to use the launcher if you have any problems:
    To load the cheat, follow this quick step-by-step guide;
    Open the cheat launcher (as Administrator) Login using forum username, and password Press Load on the game cheat from the client Wait until the cheat client closes Leave the command prompt that comes up, open. Start the game You should see the cheat menu appear. Press DEL to open and close cheat menu! How to run the game in fullscreen:
    You can just set the game to run on Maximized window when you run it by right clicking RoS > Properties > Shortcut > Run > Maximized.
    If you try to resize the game when the cheat is loaded, it will cause the game to close.
    Crash Reports:
    The game automatically sends crash reports. We recommend manually renaming errorrpt.exe in the game directory (or better, blocking this exe with your firewall) as crash reports could indicate you are using a cheat.
    If the cheat menu doesn't appear after the cheat client has closed, try updating your DirectX install: https://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/download/details.aspx?id=35
    No Cheat Menu Appearing?
    If you have trouble with the cheat not showing up, make sure you have disabled any 3rd party applications that display an overlay or hook the game window. Examples would include fraps (video recording), msi afterburner (benchmarking) rivatuner, or geforce experience. Applications like this can interfere with the cheat loading into the game.
    You can also try disabling the uplay or steam overlay (depending on which service you are using to launch the game)
  2. Like
    Robert got a reaction from 0WMV0 in Getting started with the CheatAutomation Launcher   
    The CA Launcher is the key application for downloading and running our software. Once you have this running you can launch the latest version of your hack.
    .Net Framework 4.0
    Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)
    Internet Explorer 11 or newer
    Disable UAC (User Account Control in Windows)
    Windows 7 users: This security update
    Download the launcher here 

    Move the exe to a folder. (To extract it, the password is: ca ) Right click and run the exe as an administrator. You can go into properties for the exe and set it to always run as an administrator.
    when the launcher opens, you should see a login page where you should enter your forum username and password. If you get a login error it means you have entered an invalid username or password, or do not have access to the launcher. Once you login, you should see the main loader page that displays the available cheats. Here you can launch the software for any title you have a subscription for by clicking it. Only cheats which you have a subscription for will show up. If a cheat is not showing up it could mean you have an expired subscription, or there is an issue with your account. When your software successfully loads, it will display that you can start your game. Refer to your specific game cheat guide for when you should load the cheat. Most of our cheats offer an in-game menu that can be opened by hitting the DELETE key on your keyboard. Some games use the F1 key. Now that you've read the launcher guide, check out the tutorial for your game in the appropriate VIP subscriber forum.
    Incompatibility: If you have hamachi running on your PC you may get an error regarding "a monitor program". Please close the hamachi process.
  3. Upvote
    Robert got a reaction from littleBIGpussy in [HOWTO]Controller/Gamepad Support for CheatAutomation   
    Wow, what a great guide! It's awesome you put this together for other members. I moved it to the private discussion forum and pinned it since it is a useful resource for people. I also added some extra time to your subscription for taking the time to write this up for the community.
    Well done! 
  4. Upvote
    Robert got a reaction from littleBIGpussy in Forum Rules & Guidelines   
    CHEATAUTOMATION.COM Forum Rules & Guidelines.
    Be friendly Try and help rather than criticize If you have a disagreement/argument do not flame If someone breaks the rules, click the "Report" button rather than attack them Search before posting. Always make sure to search before you create a new thread, your answer might already be answered Official Rules
    No Advertisements
    Do not post links to sites if it is beneficial to you in some way. This also means no links or mentions of other hacks. While we are a community, we are also a business and cannot allow competing services to be advertised on our board. If you simply want to share an interesting site or page, that is fine, as long as it is not a site offering hacks or cheats, and you do not benefit by posting the link.
    No discussion of other sites through PMs
    Please do not share links to competing hack sites, or advertise through PMs.
    No False Information
    Do not provide false information, for instance suggesting a cheat is detected when it is not.
    Reporting Bans
    If your game account/key is ever banned while using our software, please report it in the appropriate Ban thread found in the game's subscriber only forum. Often bans are unrelated to our software, and when they are related it is best if all ban reports and information is kept in one place rather than being scattered around the board. We also prefer using one thread for all ban discussion as it allows us to post an update on bans once, rather than have to reply to multiple topics. For these reasons, threads related to game account bans will be archived or merged with other threads.
    The General Stuff
    No warez or cracks, or infected files No illegal content like stolen accounts No porn (I know this is a tough one guys, but our host isn't okay with that kinda stuff) No racism No attacks on other board members or insults No referral links No like/reputation trading between members (Agreeing to give each other reputation/likes) No bad signature or avatar content that breaks any of the above rules No trading/selling between members No scamming/hacking other members No bumping (bumping is when a user bumps (post) on an old thread. Bumping is considered when a thread is older than one (1) week) No spamming (meaning, don't go off-topic on a thread) No advertisement of other private hacking websites Issue PayPal chargebacks, immediately after purchase. Consequences
    Each rule violation will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis so as not to unjustly punish a member for unknowingly breaking the above rules. Members who knowingly choose to not respect the forum rules will have more severe action taken against them.
    Warning for minor rule violations Temporary Mute (Cannot post for X number of days) Permanent Suspension or Ban (For only the most egregious offenders who severely break our rules, our Terms of Service, or show continued disregard of our rules.) If you have any questions regarding our rules, please post here.
  5. Upvote
    Robert got a reaction from littleBIGpussy in Things You Should Know Before You Cheat   
    One PC Per Account
    We use a HWID (hardware ID) system that locks your account to the first PC you run our launcher on. We support the use of our software on one PC only, apart from special circumstances like a vacation or trip. While we don't mind resetting your HWID if you upgrade your OS or hardware, or purchase a new PC, we only support use of our software on one PC at a time. If you have multiple PCs you wish to use our software on, you will need to choose one to use our software on, or purchase one account per computer.
    Hack & Site Downtime
    When games update, our software often has to be updated. This can result in downtime, usually of a day or less, though sometimes longer depending on the extent of the update. This means you cannot always cheat 24/7, and downtime has to be expected. Downtime can also occur due to anti-cheat changes or scans, and we may take our hacks offline for a time to ensure they are safe, or update them for security reasons.
    Also realize that at times the site may come under DDOS attack. This may result in the forums, or the launcher being offline. Before you purchase, realize that there may be some downtime due to attacks against our service.
    Games Change
    As someone who has been a member of multiple cheating communities, something I see quite often is people expressing themselves negatively when features are removed from hacks. Hacks are different from other software in that sometimes features are removed rather than added. If you purchased Microsoft Word 2010, and they announced that features were being taken out of the program after the fact, you might be a little upset.
    In hacks this is sometimes necessary. What features are possible in a game can change as it is updated and patched. Sometimes through further development we can add additional features, and sometimes developers find ways to make cheats we could once offer, impossible or detected. Cheats that often have to be removed from mmo hacks include speedhacks and teleporting, as these can be stopped server-side by position logs and rubber-banding. Often cheats that abuse poor code, or client-side code that should be server-side, are fixed in time by developers.
    While you may have purchased a cheat with a particular feature offered, and later had it removed, this is the nature of the beast. At CheatAutomation we always want to offer you something of value, so none of our hacks are based on a single feature that could be patched at any time. Most of our hacks offer some kind of aimbot feature or visual features that cannot be patched from games. These cheats still have inherent value to the user.
    If you are purchasing a hack from us you should realize that a feature could be broken at any time by a game update and that in some cases there is nothing we can do about it.
    Only on PC
    Our hacks do not supported on any other platforms, and do not work on Xbox 360s, PS3s or other gaming consoles. We do not support linux or OSX. If you want to run our hacks on an Apple computer, use bootcamp to install windows for the best experience.
    No Account Sharing
    We do not allow or support sharing accounts between people. One subscription to the hack should only be used on one PC. If you have more than one PC and have to switch between them more than once a month, you should purchase a second subscription for this functionality
    Understanding of English
    At this time, we can only offer support to users with the ability to communicate in the English language (google translate really isn't good enough). If you are purchasing our hacks you should know that you will not be able to receive support if you cannot communicate in English.
    Don't Cheat, Hack, Or Bot With What You Cannot Afford To Lose (or DCHOBWWYCATL for simplicity's sake)
    This is a rule that you will learn if you use a lot of game cheats or hacks, botting an account that you are very attached to is probably a bad idea. Of course, often in MMORPGs and other games you will have to spend a lot of time advancing your character and acquiring exp, stats, or wealth. While being banned may be a hard blow in games like these, if losing your account is simply not an option, you should not be cheating. It's much better to expect to be banned at some point, and prepare for it, then fear it and worry. Many hack users create multiple accounts for Free-to-Play games where they hack without fear, and do not spend a cent in the cash shop. In games with a larger focus on economy you may want to purchase a second account to store your valuables in the case that the account you are hacking on is banned.
    There Is Always A Risk - We Cannot Guarantee Your Safety
    When cheating in games, there is always a risk of being caught. This is something you must understand before you use a hack or cheat in any game. No matter what hack or cheat security you have, anti-cheat can detect it given enough time and resources. Anti-cheat developers are paid to detect hacks for a living, and can find a way to track anything if they take enough time to do it.
    If you've ever seen hacks go for months without a detection, it is likely that no work was done to specifically detect them, or working around their cheat protection was not worth the time. This happens all the time as with multiple cheats available for games and limited anti-cheat staff, many sites will be ignored completely for months.
    When any anti-cheat company decides to strike at a site though, it can be difficult to keep a hack undetected. If they are willing to devote the man-hours to updating their scans and working around any counter-measures that are put in place, the site will have to continually look for new methods to evade them. When big FPS titles like Battlefield and Call of Duty release, the biggest cheating sites release their hacks and are subsequently detected daily or weekly as Punkbuster and other anti-cheat are being paid big money to take down the hacks of these huge sites.
    So where does this leave you? It means that you have to be prepared for the possibility that your account may be banned if you hack. There's no guarantee that it will, you could hack for months or years safely. In fact, the older or less active a game is, the less likely that anti-cheat providers are being paid to aggressively update their scans to detect hacks. Still however, the risk of a ban is always there, and can happen at any time. If you are not prepared for that, then you should not be cheating.
  6. Upvote
    Robert got a reaction from lolacola in pls give me free cheat every one? :(   
    here is how to cheat, free: https://www.elitedaily.com/dating/sex/how-to-cheat-get-away-with-it/1615809
  7. Like
    Robert got a reaction from Visions in Reseller   
    You can PM me along with any relevant information you want to offer.
  8. Like
    Robert got a reaction from kanra2015 in 【Reseller】Use hack with Monthly Pack or Subscription!【At least $22 per month!】   
    Interesting idea kanra, best of luck with it!
  9. Like
    Robert got a reaction from Drax in Official Resellers   
    If you can't pay via one of the payment methods listed in our store, it's very easy to pay via other payment methods. Just contact one of our resellers! They offer additional payment methods and can also serve other regions with other languages.
    (STAFF) Sejuth - English kanra2015 - English/Japanese Yimosecai - English/Chinese  
    After purchasing your key, redeem it here when logged in: https://cheatautomation.com/forums/client.php
  10. Like
    Robert reacted to HEELiX in just starting   
    For Division stuff you can head over to this page:
  11. Upvote
    Robert got a reaction from Sejuth in Welcome20   
    Here they are 
  12. Like
    Robert got a reaction from SilentKiller in h ithere   
    Yes, our cheat is working and undetected (never detected since launch)
  13. Like
    Robert got a reaction from zionet in ROS   
    The cheat has since been updated
  14. Like
    Robert got a reaction from Rhino5 in What happen to Sejuth   
    As of right now, I don't see lifetime being available again. Maybe via bitcoin or certain payment methods exclusively. We'll see.
  15. Like
    Robert got a reaction from westcroft in I paid the goods, nothing happens   
    Apologies for the delays guys, just had an issue with the detection of payments through payssion. Everyone here who purchased is now activated
  16. Upvote
    Robert got a reaction from Coasta in Official Resellers   
    If you can't pay via one of the payment methods listed in our store, it's very easy to pay via other payment methods. Just contact one of our resellers! They offer additional payment methods and can also serve other regions with other languages.
    (STAFF) Sejuth - English kanra2015 - English/Japanese Yimosecai - English/Chinese  
    After purchasing your key, redeem it here when logged in: https://cheatautomation.com/forums/client.php
  17. Like
    Robert got a reaction from DevolazGame in I paid the goods, nothing happens   
    Apologies for the delays guys, just had an issue with the detection of payments through payssion. Everyone here who purchased is now activated
  18. Like
    Robert got a reaction from ImXam in Ros Video   
    Thanks for the video ImXam, that is great! I have added some extra time to your subscription for making us a video
  19. Like
    Robert reacted to Delph in Pay with Payssion(Banks* & Bitcoin) and Skrill(Credit Card) [RESELLER]   
    so after i've been scammed by vuthai12  i've purchased from him, within 5 minutes i had VIP.
    This is the real deal here
    thank you
  20. Upvote
    Robert got a reaction from TheDeadnought in Everything You're Looking For   
    Thank you for your testimonial mate, looks like you've used our cheats for quite a few games and been a subscriber for the long haul. That's great to see, thank you for sticking around so long! I have added some extra time to your subscription for taking the time to leave us a testimonial
  21. Like
    Robert reacted to AlexanderX in World of Warships active or not ?   
    it's active
  22. Like
    Robert got a reaction from MorSAviS in Call of Duty: WW2   
    Thanks for your testimonial MorSAviS, awesome that you are enjoying the cheat! I have added some extra time to your subscription for leaving us a testimonial
  23. Like
    Robert got a reaction from boladas in pending   
    I have refunded one.
  24. Like
    Robert reacted to Sejuth in pending   
    I've merged all threads into 1 because of the same issue, please wait for admin @Robert he'll check it for all of you once he comes online.
    Sorry for the inconvenience!
    If you have the same problem please make 1 post in this thread.
    Do not post a different issue or more than 1 post, so it stays clean.
  25. Like
    Robert got a reaction from john94 in Things You Should Know Before You Cheat   
    One PC Per Account
    We use a HWID (hardware ID) system that locks your account to the first PC you run our launcher on. We support the use of our software on one PC only, apart from special circumstances like a vacation or trip. While we don't mind resetting your HWID if you upgrade your OS or hardware, or purchase a new PC, we only support use of our software on one PC at a time. If you have multiple PCs you wish to use our software on, you will need to choose one to use our software on, or purchase one account per computer.
    Hack & Site Downtime
    When games update, our software often has to be updated. This can result in downtime, usually of a day or less, though sometimes longer depending on the extent of the update. This means you cannot always cheat 24/7, and downtime has to be expected. Downtime can also occur due to anti-cheat changes or scans, and we may take our hacks offline for a time to ensure they are safe, or update them for security reasons.
    Also realize that at times the site may come under DDOS attack. This may result in the forums, or the launcher being offline. Before you purchase, realize that there may be some downtime due to attacks against our service.
    Games Change
    As someone who has been a member of multiple cheating communities, something I see quite often is people expressing themselves negatively when features are removed from hacks. Hacks are different from other software in that sometimes features are removed rather than added. If you purchased Microsoft Word 2010, and they announced that features were being taken out of the program after the fact, you might be a little upset.
    In hacks this is sometimes necessary. What features are possible in a game can change as it is updated and patched. Sometimes through further development we can add additional features, and sometimes developers find ways to make cheats we could once offer, impossible or detected. Cheats that often have to be removed from mmo hacks include speedhacks and teleporting, as these can be stopped server-side by position logs and rubber-banding. Often cheats that abuse poor code, or client-side code that should be server-side, are fixed in time by developers.
    While you may have purchased a cheat with a particular feature offered, and later had it removed, this is the nature of the beast. At CheatAutomation we always want to offer you something of value, so none of our hacks are based on a single feature that could be patched at any time. Most of our hacks offer some kind of aimbot feature or visual features that cannot be patched from games. These cheats still have inherent value to the user.
    If you are purchasing a hack from us you should realize that a feature could be broken at any time by a game update and that in some cases there is nothing we can do about it.
    Only on PC
    Our hacks do not supported on any other platforms, and do not work on Xbox 360s, PS3s or other gaming consoles. We do not support linux or OSX. If you want to run our hacks on an Apple computer, use bootcamp to install windows for the best experience.
    No Account Sharing
    We do not allow or support sharing accounts between people. One subscription to the hack should only be used on one PC. If you have more than one PC and have to switch between them more than once a month, you should purchase a second subscription for this functionality
    Understanding of English
    At this time, we can only offer support to users with the ability to communicate in the English language (google translate really isn't good enough). If you are purchasing our hacks you should know that you will not be able to receive support if you cannot communicate in English.
    Don't Cheat, Hack, Or Bot With What You Cannot Afford To Lose (or DCHOBWWYCATL for simplicity's sake)
    This is a rule that you will learn if you use a lot of game cheats or hacks, botting an account that you are very attached to is probably a bad idea. Of course, often in MMORPGs and other games you will have to spend a lot of time advancing your character and acquiring exp, stats, or wealth. While being banned may be a hard blow in games like these, if losing your account is simply not an option, you should not be cheating. It's much better to expect to be banned at some point, and prepare for it, then fear it and worry. Many hack users create multiple accounts for Free-to-Play games where they hack without fear, and do not spend a cent in the cash shop. In games with a larger focus on economy you may want to purchase a second account to store your valuables in the case that the account you are hacking on is banned.
    There Is Always A Risk - We Cannot Guarantee Your Safety
    When cheating in games, there is always a risk of being caught. This is something you must understand before you use a hack or cheat in any game. No matter what hack or cheat security you have, anti-cheat can detect it given enough time and resources. Anti-cheat developers are paid to detect hacks for a living, and can find a way to track anything if they take enough time to do it.
    If you've ever seen hacks go for months without a detection, it is likely that no work was done to specifically detect them, or working around their cheat protection was not worth the time. This happens all the time as with multiple cheats available for games and limited anti-cheat staff, many sites will be ignored completely for months.
    When any anti-cheat company decides to strike at a site though, it can be difficult to keep a hack undetected. If they are willing to devote the man-hours to updating their scans and working around any counter-measures that are put in place, the site will have to continually look for new methods to evade them. When big FPS titles like Battlefield and Call of Duty release, the biggest cheating sites release their hacks and are subsequently detected daily or weekly as Punkbuster and other anti-cheat are being paid big money to take down the hacks of these huge sites.
    So where does this leave you? It means that you have to be prepared for the possibility that your account may be banned if you hack. There's no guarantee that it will, you could hack for months or years safely. In fact, the older or less active a game is, the less likely that anti-cheat providers are being paid to aggressively update their scans to detect hacks. Still however, the risk of a ban is always there, and can happen at any time. If you are not prepared for that, then you should not be cheating.
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