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Status Replies posted by goxxer

  1. Hey, i want to buy subscription for World of warships. 

    1. goxxer


      Cant send message

  2. I paid for a World for Warships key on Tuesday the 29 September. It is now Saturday the 3rd of October. I DO NOT have a key yet. All of my attempts to contact the reseller have gone unanswered. I guess I'm out the money. This will be the last time I use CheatAutomation. To be honest I found another hack that is just as safe, works better and is cheaper and the purchasing was much smoother and instant.

  3. I paid for a World for Warships key on Tuesday the 29 September. It is now Saturday the 3rd of October. I DO NOT have a key yet. All of my attempts to contact the reseller have gone unanswered. I guess I'm out the money. This will be the last time I use CheatAutomation. To be honest I found another hack that is just as safe, works better and is cheaper and the purchasing was much smoother and instant.

    1. goxxer


      well, at least you got some form of response. I have not heard anything at all 😕


    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. I paid for a World for Warships key on Tuesday the 29 September. It is now Saturday the 3rd of October. I DO NOT have a key yet. All of my attempts to contact the reseller have gone unanswered. I guess I'm out the money. This will be the last time I use CheatAutomation. To be honest I found another hack that is just as safe, works better and is cheaper and the purchasing was much smoother and instant.

    1. goxxer


      I bought mine at the store, and not from the reseller

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  5. I paid for a World for Warships key on Tuesday the 29 September. It is now Saturday the 3rd of October. I DO NOT have a key yet. All of my attempts to contact the reseller have gone unanswered. I guess I'm out the money. This will be the last time I use CheatAutomation. To be honest I found another hack that is just as safe, works better and is cheaper and the purchasing was much smoother and instant.

    1. goxxer


      Same here, paid for key 2 days ago, actually i paid 2 times, so now i have paid for 2 months but still havent received anything....


      Opened a support ticket, but no answer at all 😞


      So far i will not recommend this to anyone, would be nice if staff would react to this

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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