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ARK: not only useful for PVP, but everything else aswell !

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Even though I have been gaming since 99, this is the very first time I decided to try and hack. I am playing on a pvp server, yet pvp is not my main resort - who wants having to cope with all those nasty griefers on the PVE servers ? I surely don't.

I am not the typical raider, not the typical player killer - yet I greatly enjoy this hack. This is how I like to use it the most:

.) Spot importent things like eggs from a distance - no more crawling behind every dino's ass look for eggs at home, I can see them even from different levels

.) be warned by the radar if a player approaches without even seeing them, and have a much easier time defending yourself

.) have a much much easier time finding high level, rare dinos for taming, or finding lost dinos again

.) I used to spend ages looking for the tiny insects I just killed because I could not see them in the grass - not anymore..

.) no longer accidently fly above enemy turrets because you didn't know they were there

Also : if there is a patch and the hack no longer works, this team does great work fixing it up again in short time.

Thanks for improving my gaming experience this much, dear team :wub:

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