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  1. Last time I ever used a cheat was back when h1z1 was still still supported and after that I didn't really have any other game to use the hacks. I'm very glad that I came back just a month after to purchase a month of Rainbow Six Siege hack and it did not disappoint. While some people say in the forums about getting a ban I have made it with no bans whatsoever for 1 month. I will say that there is a few things I wish it had but I am still satisfied with it 100%. Aimbot: The Aim bot is there mainly if you want a bit more of an advantage against the team you are facing and while it is there I really had no use for it. I did use it for a week but then turned it off because I like to aim by myself. It features visibility checks, fov, smooth and other things that make it a very solid aim bot. You can either aim at the center mass or the head. 3D esp: The esp in this game is perfect for me because i don't look at walls and they don't mess with my vision like some other esp's I have used in the past. There are some bugs though that I see like not being able to see camera and turret when it has the option to. Still these are minor that wont really get in the way of me having fun. 2D map; There is an optional map to show where the players are and its either a hit or miss depending if you constantly need a map. I have it on and look at it a few times here and there. Miscellaneous: you can add a cross air and customize the size of it and color of the esp you want. Just as a thought but adding color to the cross hair would be neat but white cross hair is great. Lastly you can save and load you settings. Overall I am very satisfied with the hack I purchased and same with black ops 3 although it got boring but great hack also. I'm definitely going to be purchasing another time to have some more fun and maybe even lifetime for other great games that they support in the future. Now if you don't mind ill get back to some more Rainbow Six Siege
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