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Everything posted by shortpker

  1. Interface 9/10 Functioning 8/10 Up-to-date 10/10 ------------------------------------------- Let's start with interface which recently got a really nice update turning cheat into mouse click-able menu which I really love especially feature which allows to customize colors of ESP.Love the ability to be able to save my presets which I wasn't able to do for other RB6 providers (there aren't many). So overall interface rating is a solid 9/10. Functioning (8/10). Cheat functions as it should, ESP shows you enemies, aimbot works as any aimbot should (TRIGGER BOT SHOULD REALLY BE INCLUDED WOULD WORK AMAZING WITH NO RECOIL/SPREAD). Some objects your enemies are standing behind might be coded as slightly larger than what they're actually are and even though you can see enemy clearly standing behind a bench and you're aiming at him, aimbot will think you're aiming at bench and won't track. This is issue with a lot of cheats and I am not taking this to consideration too much, but it's just something to keep in mind. The only reason this didn't get a 10/10 is because there is no trigger but and although the aimbot is smooth sometimes it just won't aim at enemies through window cracks etc but overall a crack hack Up-to-date (10/10). One thing @Robert has so far done perfectly is keeping this cheat up-to-date. Last patch there was barely any downtime and some patches ago it took him somewhere like 5 hours to update cheat once it was offline. Can't even nitpick here. All-in-all this is still probably the best bang for a buck in the market and if @Robert takes note of this post and does something about things users point out. You won't be able to find anything better.
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