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Posts posted by ZeroShit

  1. About 2 weeks ago there was one, but 7 months before that as Crypt said.

    About being nervous, you have to face the fact that at some point you WILL be caught and banned. If you can't handle that then don't hack.

  2. Speed is NOT detected by BE (and no recoil & spread are also not detected) and you do not have to worry about BE. It can be detected by other 3rd party anti-hack / monitoring software used on private hives like maybe DayZero & Breaking Pint but I'm not even sure about that, but mostly it is high risk because of active admins on servers and other players on servers that will either use their tools to follow or spectate you or just see you using it.

    If you ask me I would say stay away from servers with very active admins & regular players & a good tight community if you don't like being banned (ie it sux being banned from Origins after you've built some houses etc). You will most likely be reported by someone at some point and if it happens more than once from different people they would just ban you because they look after the regular players / supporters.

    Arma 2 mode shows things that is in Arma 2 and with the Arma 2 names and colors. A bunch of these things are not used in dayz or are used differently, so you want to turn this option on when you play Arma 2 missions or mods or a mod like Wasteland., but not for DayZ.

  3. Hey there. I have a few questions about the dayz ESP hack that you guys sell.

    First off;

    2. When you guys updated last year, was that removed. So when we record, the ESP shows when using fraps/dxtory?

    3. When was the last detection?

    4. I'll be using this hack for wasteland most of the time seeing as dayz is just boring now. Is there any other bugs I should know about before buying? Like that bug where dead people showed and it wouldn't disappear, I believe I read that it was fixed?

    5. How awesome am I?

    1. What happened to 1?

    2. Seems the change font option is gone and its suppose to show up when u record now

    3. Apparently about 3 months ago

    4. Works perfectly, I use it on wasteland. Just turn Arma mode on and don't play with big vehicle distances (to much clutter then)

    5. You? Seem mediocre. I myself are the awesomeness itself :D

  4. Ok so basically the guys that has posted is saying there has not been a detection from 12/17/12 to 1/17/13

    Has there been any detection(s) since then and how many?

    (yes I do get that bans & detections happen. Its all part of the game, but I want to establish how good this is as its looking very decent!)

    Pls answer or ppl are welcome to just pm me also. TY

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