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Everything posted by Maize

  1. Funny how u fanboy for this site ....But well I don't have to wait anymore cuz I can hack and rage the fuck out of every people in DayZ. So.....make sure you have fun waiting for this site while you all spam all the topic with meme. Tell me why should I appreciates the work when I can't buy it from them or test it or what ever??? Oh hey there!?.... I can see every fucking shit out there and rage every people and feed on their tear who play legit...Oh to bad..u can't..... well not right now anyway...maybe later who know??? 5days 10days?? maybe 30days? And I guess This is good bye for this site for me. Good Luck with the sell anyway was hoping to be with your customer but well.
  2. Dont want to argue or anything, But just wounder are you his customer? cuz I using his hack for almost 2 year with almost every gamehack he have to offer and only get banned once in BF3 and yes Im using his Master package and rage the fuckk out of people of every game I play. I am here cuz H****S said they will not support DayZ until now. I have money and I dont care who is best or fake or blablabla just as long as they provide me with what I want, I will be happy to pay for it. That why I was happy to pay for Robert hack if he provide me with a good hack and release it before other does. For H**S Masterpack It more than 25usd infact it cost 150usd for 12 month subscription and u got all the hack u ever want and all hack up to date I still have the 6 month sub that I can hack what ever I want with all H***S hack and soon also gonna get DayZ hack but I still wanna pay for Robert hack if he release it first. (Dont give fuck anymore cuz i wanna hack and rage people in DayZ so much) Call me what ever but the one who give me what I want get the money, after all this is all about money and happily returning customer for more money and this is not a company so no one give fuck if I leave this site or be here. Robert doing just fine without my money this is just a wake up message to Robert, again Just wanna say Robert should make a move soon, release pricing plan or what ever it need to be done.
  3. Yep H****S (The name of a good game hack Developer. not advertise that why I only say first and last letter)just announce the upcoming release of DayZ hack. As a 1 year prepaid subsciber of all his online game hack services, I guess If this site dont release before it I will have to say good bye Right now it all about who is the first for me. The first who release it I will buy it. And now that they are some big and good competition standing up for DayZ hack you will have to make a move soon. Or you will lose all your customer. (As you already pissed of most of People who can't handle all of your delay) You will need to have more option or better hack that is the way you can win the fight between the competition. Good luck! I will see what will happen next. I still be your customer if u release if first
  4. Well it not really a surprise that hack was not release lol . After all those estimated launch date gave by Developer from first time to the lastes one and it still not release. The Dev team of this hack should never release estimated launch date to people in this forum never ever again lol , Just launch it as a surprise like another big hack provider site so non of your customer feel like waiting forever as you can see some people are kinda raging in forum lol Im a paid subscriber of "A" (not the full name or advertise only first letter of one big hack provider services, to bad they dont seem to be intressting making hack for DayZ as they see that to little custumer in Arma2.) I guess most game hacker will know what it is, and they do fucking god damn good job at surprising all the new hack that release. After all this is Bussiness and bussiness = Need customer = Money I hope the hack will probably release in the beginning of august or late august so just wait for it. oh and I hope it will be 1months, 3 months,6 months Subscriptions plan so it will be cheaper for those who want to be your customer for a long time
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