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Posts posted by Robert

  1. Hi, thank you for your testimonial.

    Unfortunately getting item data is in some cases very hard if not impossible. As far as we know other hacks have not succeeded at it either. If we come up with something though, we will add it.


  2. wow, i got my post deleted over asking if anyone else is experiencing such a massive lag ingame with this program, even when I lowered all the settings and filtered everything to the ratio of 500m. This guy deserves a medal, doesnt need to be Nobel. Just give one

    Hi Cashwhore, your post was moved to ARMA2 & DayZ VIP discussion: http://cheatautomation.com/forums/index.php?/topic/149-anyone-else-experiencing-lag/

  3. I'm not sure whether you have our hack or not. You need a login to access the launcher.

    This is what our launcher looks like, if you do not have this, you are not using our hack:


  4. Hi, are you sure you are using our hack? If you downloaded it from youtube you are using a fake. Other people have reuploaded our videos and advertised "cracked" hacks.

    If you have a subscriber account, please post here with that.

  5. Hey Binarymasta,

    You just purchased? You need to post here with your transaction ID and paypal email, or PM me with the same information.

    If battleye updates we can inspect it at any time to check for scans, however there is no easy way to detect updates to what they are scanning for.

    The big version updates are different than the stealth updates they release to update what they're scanning for, but we usually hear about the big updates and can take the hack offline if we think there's a risk.

  6. Hey Robert, something i was just wondering about the speed hack, does it make everything move faster? Because I noticed when I turned it on that zombies moved as fast as I did.

    Hi elmbp,

    Because the way DayZ works, many zombies are client-side on your PC, so they will be sped up as well.

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